This is the first plein air i'm happy with since i stopped smoking (four are in the bin)
trashed this one out in one hour,didn't need them fag breaks...
an old boy came by and watched me,he must have been 70 or 80,
smoking away,told me he had been smoking for 50 years,no problem,aaargh!

Well done, Rob. I really like your color combo in this one.
It's lovely to see the scene - I mean the photo and then the painting and how the painting is so much richer, so much of an "interpretation". Good for you Rob to give up the smokes, but typical that someone should stand there whiffing the smell up your nose!
hi dianne,i tried to keep things simple,including the colors,i must say there is more variations in the green/yellows,the scanner made them all the same...thanks!
sheila,my wife said something similar,i make llandod look like paris!
i think the old guy was the devil trying to tempt me.
Somehow this reminds me René's paintings. But with different palette of color.
Hey Rob, This is a super painting. I so admire your ability to zoom right in and say what you want to say, and you dont get hung up on painting it exact(and boring)...just selecting the parts that contribute to the development of a good painting, in the atmosphere and in the mood of how you're feeling. Well done!! And p.s. I empathise with you quitting...Good luck to you it's difficult to break the cycle but certainly possible with the right attitude. keep it up.
hum,pablo streetscene,limited colors,maybe that is why?
tell you what,after seeing renes
zaltbommel paintings,i had to go out and paint a town and this was the result,so pablo you are spot on!
well sally,i was spot on with this one but that is not always the case
but it does get easier...sometimes
the right attitude is all you need,
once you realize how stupid smoking is,it is easy...
I quit smoking 15 years ago. It can be done. Once you do it for a couple of weeks, you more or less forget you ever smoked. Good decision. Keep up the good work!
thanks smoker anonymous!
it has been two and a half weeks now,sometimes i forget about it,some moments are hard,very hard
but i'm still nicotine free!
Hi Rob... Good work and I can feel your pain when you say it's the first one you like since giving up the 'tax on the stupid", smoking! I've been there too and the quitting is easy, it's adjusting to being able to paint that made it so hard for a while. But that also passes. I don't know about you, but I connected painting with smoking as a single unit of activity. At times I thought that my entire brain had lost part of it's capability to see anything that resembled a painting. But, it passes and you'll be SO happy that you aren't a slave to those coffin nails any longer that it will seems silly to you that you ever did smoke. Its been 22 years since I quit. STAY WITH IT.
oh yes mark,paint a bit,stand back,have a fag,paint a bit,stand back,etc etc
fooling yourself you need a sigarette to concentrate or to relax,it is madness,just got fed up with this every half hour nicotine craving...
so nice to get your support marc,
it has been 5 weeks now...and painting is getting quicker without all these brakes...
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