oil on canvas 7x11"
spend some rainy hours over at the cowshed,
good thing about having a cold,you can't smell anything.
the light is constant all day,so peaceful...no rush,
the cows calmly munching away,happy to be inside
went home for lunch during the painting...

and a few peaceful hours by the river too...i'm trying to stop smoking,this is day four,it is so hard,all i think about is cigarettes,pure torture...
Very nice painting, Rob! I love the water! Your torture doesn't show. Good luck breaking the habit. It must be terribly hard to do.
Rob, this is wonderful - I love the bright shock of sunlit grass.
Wonderful cows Rob.. sorry about the Benson and Hedges..
Love the cow shed, good luck with Nosmo King!
Love the effect of steam coming off the cows Rob
thanks ann,one week and two days now...
that was the attraction cara,cheers
hi sheila,don't be sorry,it is my own stupid mistake
tha nks hara
that effect looks nice ryan...as long as you don't have to smell it!
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