Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Autumn warm-up

oil on canvas 12x16,
a little different this one,tried a bit off knive for the foreground leaves,
not sure,looks a bit to bitty to me.
might do a bit more to those cows?


Leslie Sealey said...

Really nice! I think the knife work gives it more variety and contrast; it also gives the painting more depth, I think.

rob ijbema said...

you are right Lesley,a few sharper edged will benefit my work...

René PleinAir said...


About the cows, I don't know a tiny bit maybe but then again it's soo deep this one Rob.

My favor of yours for the moment!!

rob ijbema said...

thank you very very much
well with the knive work and bigger seize you had to like it,hehe

the cows need a bit of warming up,
they look like marble statues at the moment...no details

René PleinAir said...

Héé Rob have you seen this?!

Dugarzhapov Bato

Larry made me do it, .... :-P

rob ijbema said...

yes saw him
especially like his more abstract
work,i believe,Bill made Larry do it!!

Typh said...

Delicious Rob! nice composition!

rob ijbema said...

thank you typh!
yes i'm very pleased with how the river leads in...

Cooper Dragonette said...

Fantastic Rob. One of my favorites. Great palette and textures.

rob ijbema said...

cheers cooper,knive is good for texture i found

Stefan Nuetzel said...

I think too that the sharper edges in the foreground foliage create depth. A very beautiful painting with loads of light in it.
BTW I just returned from a painting week and there will soon be some PA paintings on my blog.

Michael Pieczonka said...

Rob, fantastic colour in these last two pieces. I really like this one.. I think it is one of your strongest that I have seen.. great colour/ comp... and cows!

rob ijbema said...

look forward too it Stefan
thanks for the kind words
yes that knive does make a difference

rob ijbema said...

hi mike
i'm happy with the last two paintings,isn't fall just great
all those funky colors...i'm sure you will enjoy it too,this month