Friday, November 04, 2011

Autumn in Wales

acrylic on panel 6x10"

Autumn in Wales is amazing

here is a wonderful critique by Tony Moffitt
of my work at Artist.Blog.Critique.
thanks Tony!!


Gillian Mowbray said...

Agreed, when the countryside is bathed in that wonderful golden light that we've been enjoying, it really is amazing. Beautiful painting, Rob. x

Unknown said...

Great glow across this. Really captures the season.

slimjohnson said...

Rob -- you've captured the mood of the road trip during autumn. Just did a little road trip to see the colors myself. Steve

Anonymous said...

only you can take a tube of cad yellow and pull autumn out of it... love the energy in this....

Keith Tilley said...

Good use of yellows and violets here, Rob. You've really caught those autumn colours.

Bruce Sherman said...

Hi there Mate!... Glad to see that you're into the spirit of Autumn! A great sweeping swat of complementaries!

Like the inclusion of your... "car-a- day" elements! Just a little more action for the viewer to engage in! Shrewd strategy! HA HA!!

Good Fall Painting!
Warmest regards,

rob ijbema said...

yes gillian is this autumn amazing!?

rob ijbema said...

thanks mick,this is near the elan valley

rob ijbema said...

hope you paint it to steve,thanks!

rob ijbema said...

hehe rahina!

rob ijbema said...

cheers keith
i'm sure you are doing that right now!

rob ijbema said...

A great sweeping swat of complementaries!
i like that bruse
in fact i always enjoy your comments
i don't know how you do it,but you manage to say what i feel when i paint!
cheers mate!

rob ijbema said...

and yes having three blogs,you need the odd short cut haha