Friday, December 05, 2008

More Snow

careful! oil on canvas 7x9"

making the most of the snow,
two more from last wednesday,
above was the scene i saw,walking back to the car
after having painted the hill farm below...

Hill Farm oil on canvas 7x11"


René PleinAir said...

Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome!

I am speechless.

Dianne Mize said...

Oh yeah! These are might fine.

Chris said...

Really nice work you've been doing lately! The "Hill Farm" painting has a beautiful sense of light...especially that warm glow in the sky against the cool hills. I also really like the abstract qualities of the previous post (fallen carriage).


Sheila Vaughan said...

Rob, I just clicked on each of these to see them in close up and I am amazed how freshly done they are, not laboured at all, the canvas showing through in many places, yet they are so rich in colour. Rene is right - they are very, very, very good paintings.

rob ijbema said...

speechless,that is rare...
i'm going to enjoy the peace!

rob ijbema said...

good to hear dianne

rob ijbema said...

hi chris
good to see you here
the fallen carriage was a sureal sight on top of the hill

rob ijbema said...

you make me blush sheila
i'm trying to work quick
(one hour each) and not finish them to much,knowing when to stop is important...the viewer is not stupid and can finish things for itself

vivien said...

the light in these is absolutely beautiful!!! some of your best

rob ijbema said...

hi vivian!
it was such a perfect day
sun snow and three paintings...
thank you

Ed Terpening said...

Love these scenes. Snow is such a joy to paint. The colors in light and shadow are such fun.

Jennifer McChristian said...

Winter Wonderland!
Oh, how I miss the snow.
These are absolutely stunning!

Angie said...

These are beautiful - I love the way you paint the light.

rob ijbema said...

hi ed,
yes i was init all day,sun and snow it was perfect,if i had had a 4th canvas i would have filled that too!
cheers mate

rob ijbema said...

sometimes i envy you jennifer all that sun palm trees,golden beaches...but you can't beat the changing of the seasons,always a challange,thanks!

rob ijbema said...

Annie i love painting light,that is what it is all about!cheers

Jala Pfaff said...

This is really lovely.

rob ijbema said...

thanks jala,
love your surname

Anonymous said...

Rob, these two are really super, you can so feel the welsh countryside in winter, it looks like a Xmas card, and I love the way the little car is making friends with the tree in the one above. really good job!

rob ijbema said...

thanks sally,you are not the first to mention x-mass cards,must be something in the air!?

annie said...

I agree with everyone-- the light and shadow playing over the snow is breathtaking.
annie(from the USA)

rob ijbema said...

it was breath taking in real life annie,that was why it was so nice to paint,so quiet on top of the hill,no wind just lovely sunshine and shadows...