For me the best way to paint is from life,
the feeling you get from being surrounded by the subject is bound to have an influence
...the next best thing,i think,is painting wishing you were there...
not that i'm unhappy here,just fancied something different...
from a photo i took last Autumn in Amsterdam

And sometimes wishing you were there makes a stronger painting, something about the intensity of the wishing, I guess. Though I do agree that painting among the surroundings feeds an extra spark. But this one is so strong I would have thought you were straddling the rails. Brilliant sky. Love the subtle colors throughout. And brisk little people coming and going.
Wauw man, I see knife work, I see muted colors, I see great mood and atmosphere I see an awesome everyday scene. I guess when you sign this one with some sort of Trevor chamberlain, you could get away with it Rob.
This one's gonna stay a long time on my desktop!!!
that's what i mean Dianne,altough i could not have done it with wishing alone,years of plein air helps with reading a photo and yes you need that spark...
hey Rene,back from Gouda?
you also see heimwee...
the knive bits were fun to do
it is getting better,thanks to your tips!
i think signing it with rob will be good enough,ha!
cheers mate
Hey Rob, just been responding to your comment on my blog about plein air! This painting is amazingly strong and full of feeling and makes me really miss Amsterdam!
I really wish the dollar and Euro were more in step with each other so I could get back over--your paintings have that kind of effect.
Really nice atmospheric effects Rob- Good work!
You know I have to love this one!! It's outstanding, I think the sharp lines in the foreground really give it a lot of depth (great contrast with the atmospheric background).
Really, really nice work here.
didn't know you had connections with Amsterdam sheila...
anyway thanks i'm fairly happy with it my self.
maybe i should come over your way then cooper...
the us has got a lot to offer
cheers mate
hi ryan,glad you like it especially the atmosphere.
yes i had a feeling leslie!
i'm really trying to get more sharpness in my landscapes,so i'm chuffed with your comment!
appreciated cara
hope you are doing well!
Such beautiful colors and wonderful edges!! You handled the overhead wires exquisitely!!
I am loving your painting style and the way you capture light !!
Hello from another one in wales !!
sam x
nice to hear from you lani.
those lines were practice,
they are getting better
glad you like it!
the light is what it is all about for me,i love playing with it
funny you choose this one sam,coming from wales...
I don't know how I missed this. I love it!
glad you enjoyed this mary!
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